The search

Why do I travel? I do it to find myself. To detach from the expectations built for me and connect with my true drive while having the space and time to become the purest and best version of myself. Yes, I do definitely allow myself to detour and explore, but keeping focused in being happy, being a good father, finding waves and finding fish is a way of keeping life very simple and very delicious. I am extremely thankful for my education and will never take it for granted, but it is also nice to combine that with what your natural self craves for. In my case, surf, good food, good love, and having the energy, space and time to become the human being I dream of being. The result of this drive has consistently taken me to become a person I am very happy with together with beautiful waves, and an amazing Ohana of like minded people living and thriving to make the most of life! 

Soups and Bowls

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